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So the Nexus One got Froyo at the end of June. Great! Shouldn’t be too long until the Desire gets it, I thought as the hardware is so similar. End of July and a tweet from HTC’s Regional Director, Mark Moon saying that the update was coming over the weekend.  Turns out that was only for unbranded phones running the stock firmware. ‘Phones with carrier firmware would have to wait. T-Mobile a few days later said “September”. No way was I waiting that long for an update that should really only take a few days testing. 

So I set about installing 1.21.405.2 firmware. This was the guide I followed:

Thanks to the author , very helpful!

updating Desire to 2.2

Updating the phone firmware to stock 1.21.405.2



After that I made sure Wifi , Bluetooth etc was working and ran through the setup. Then went to the SETTINGS > ABOUT PHONE > SYSTEM SOFTWARE UPDATES and hit the CHECK NOW eagerly anticipating the Frozen Yogurt goodness….. ‘YOUR PHONE IS UP TO DATE. THERE ARE NO UPDATES FOR YOUR PHONE”


Manual update it is then. XDA to the resuce :

Followed the guide and 10 minutes later was up and running. Thanks guys!

2.2 on the Desire. Lovely Froyo.

2.2 in the Software Information Screen

Big features of 2.2 Froyo are the 720p video recording,  Flash 10.1, Apps to SD and the Wifi Hotspot. The claimed 450% speed increase for browsing I cant say Ive noticed massively, but pages did seem to open fully a bit quicker rather than that brief stutter a second after loading the first images.

wifi hotspot

Testing the wifi hotspot on Macbook. On HSDPA speeds were good and connection only took a few second.

Ive tested the ‘phone for a few hours, made calls, sent and received texts and emails, so I really cant understand what the delay is from T-Mobile in pushing out the OTA for 2.2 Oh well . I’m off to go enjoy some more Frozen Yogurt in the sun.

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