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I’ve never really come across the need to use an interface, and usually just use inheritance to extend whatever class I needed to. Recently though I needed a generic base caching class, which would have other classes implement there own methods.

interface CacheInterface

public function getCacheValue($key);

public function setCacheValue($key , $value);

Note that there is no content within the methods, and rather than curly braces, its closed off with a ‘;’.

To implement the interface:

class CacheGoogle extends Controller implements CacheInterface

public function getCacheValue($key)
//try and get cached value from the DB

public function setCacheValue($key , $value)
//add new cache value to DB

Then wherever its needed:

private $cache;

public function __construct()
$this->cache = new CacheGoogle;

public function checkCache(CacheInterface $this->cache)

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